Saturday, May 5, 2018

Our Garden Layout

This is a overview of what our garden currently looks like. As you can see it is nicely fenced in. The dimensions of the whole garden are 10' 7" wide by 32' 3.5" long. The garden is wood chipped in to prevent weeds and give us a nice surface to walk on. The two rectangles in the middle represent our raised beds. The measurements of the raised beds are 4' by 8'. This really helps to keep things managable for us. I wish I had some actual pictures of the garden to show you, but I don't have any I like, so we'll save that for next time.

We haven't planted yet, but me and my mom are hoping to go to the local garden center in the next week or so to pick out our plants and seeds for the raised beds. Stay tuned for more fun posts as our gardening season gets under way.

From our garden to yours,

~ Allie

The Start Of Something New

Hi, my name is Allie and welcome to my garden journal. The purpose of this blog is to document the progress of my families garden throughout the season. It is mostly intended for personal use, but I invite all interested to stop back occasionally and share this journey with me. I am new to blogging, so we'll see how this goes. I've been wanting to do something like this for the past few years, so I'm glad I finally took the plunge and created this blog. I hope you enjoy watching the progress of our beautiful flowers and vegetables as much as I will.

~ Allie